Abseiling Events and Fund Raising Ideas

here to go to our dedicated charity abseil events portal
Our charity abseil events are a popular way of bringing in much needed
funds. Our costs are very low compared to the commercial event providers.
We recognise your aims and objectives. You won't be disappointed whether
you are an individual or a corporate giant!
and Ice
have very successfully worked along with charities and organisations such
as Great Ormond Street, British Red Cross, Housing Associations, Housing
Trusts, The South Yorkshire Probation Service, Universities, Children in
Need, The Cancer Research Campaign, British Red Cross, Muscular Dystrophy
and the Parkinson's Disease Society and more recently Nottingham East Midlands
Airport (see the 4th picture on the right) Brittania, CLIC Sargent, Look
West, John Lewis, Tesco, Whiz Kids, TK
MAXX, Comic Relief, Wolseley UK.. Manchester airport, Silverstone the
list keeps growing.
We provide the insurance (£5 million Public liability) , specialist
equipment, risk assessments, method statements & technical skills to
keep all participants safe, while the charity reaps the benefits.
Abseil's may be from a suitable building or an outdoor site depending on numbers.
are happy to cater for one person or hundreds.
We can provide you with all the equipment and technical skills you need
for your abseil, zip or climb. You can carry out the challenge wherever
you like within reason. Our instructors are well used to assisting people
with no previous experience and who are fundraising for charity. We will
help out if you want to drop a banner at the top of your climb/abseil or
take pictures to prove to your sponsors that you completed the challenge.
of Achievement can also be provided for all participants.
We even take participants in fancy dress or promotional costumes (see right).
If you need a charitable stunt performing get in touch!
Richard Hogan for a chat to discuss your requirements on 07740 302131
You may also be interested in our zip
slides/flying fox
We can also offer 3 peaks challenges, Snowdon, Scafel Pike and Ben Nevis.
Individual summits are also a challenge for your participants.
Click here for a very recent charity abseil testimonial
Our new Charity abseil website is here
Soon you will be able to advertise your events on the new site. Watch that
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